This is a post dedicated to my one and only Claire. The girl without whom I would not have felt these past 8 months go by quite so quickly!
more fun!

I love her!
(Note the amount of clothing we each have on just to sleep in, and that was the very beginning of December!)
We recently went to the beach town of Kobuleti for our project design management conference. We each went with our counterparts and courtesy of the Peace Corps got to stay in one of the nicest hotels in Georgia! For a week we were in plush queen sized beds, in centrally heated rooms, with unlimited access to hot showers, in remarkably large rooms for regular hotel rooms, and even with balconies that overlooked the Black Sea! This is the back side of the hotel that overlooks the pool and sea, and where my room was located. Every morning for breakfast we had the option of omelets, crepes, real cereal including coco puffs, an abundance of fruit, and various other goodies to which we are accustomed for breakfast in America! It was amazing!
Claire and I had a dance party on the beds, just because we could.
more fun!
This is my counterpart, Goodloe, and I with the sea behind us. There were some of the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen in my life there that week!
OK I am crying now looking at you, looking at the sunset... thank you very much!